Milwaukee, WI
Same Day Surgery - Interior renovation to 16,000 sf Same Day Surgery area including the creation of 24 pre-op rooms and a 12-bay post-op recovery bay and accompanying waiting areas, nurses’ stations, and staff lounge. Renovation also included pre-admission testing area and EKG clinic. Hunzinger created a temporary pre-op area on the 7th floor of the hospital to allow construction on the 2nd floor. Cardiac Cath Lab - 14,000 sf renovation to existing Cardiac Cath Lab including the creation of (2) new procedure rooms and relocating (1) existing room. Creation of 8-bed Cardiac Outpatient Clinic and associated Nurses’ Stations, staff areas, ECHO treatment rooms and waiting area. All renovations were performed without impacting the number of existing procedures that the hospital could perform. Renovations required the installation of floor reinforcing be installed above the ceiling of the occupied ICU below due to the weight of the new equipment.